The Process

Does your organization or church have trouble understanding your vision and mission? Does your organization need to rethink its branding strategy? Is your team using its strengths and unique gifts to its greatest potential? Do you need a new comprehensive plan to align and communicate your core values with the rest of your work? Do you need personal leadership coaching?

I work with churches and non-profits to provide an outside perspective on culture, systems, and effectiveness to bring about gospel-centered positive change.

Phase 1:

I begin with an initial interview. I meet with the team of leaders or individuals to discuss organizational core values, strengths, weaknesses, and team dynamics. Depending on your needs we will discuss what steps should happen next. This phase is non-committal! You have the opportunity to see if we are a good fit and if you would like to continue. Phase one is typically a 1hr-2hr meeting.

Phase 2:
Next, we decide what would be the best time frame for the consulting workshops or research projects. The goal of Phase 2 is for me to provide your team with innovative tools to meet your organization's needs. Together we can determine how many times and for how long we’d like to meet. I suggest a full day retreat, but I understand scheduling conflicts. I can be flexible with your schedule.

Ex: The workshops will include team building activities, strategy planning, leadership style assessments, and healthy communication towards effective change.
Ex: Self-assessments are given so that we can work one-on-one to build everyday leadership skills.
Ex: Provide research for a new organizational endeavor.

Phase 3:

Now it's time to execute what was learned in Phase 2. Communicating what has been changed is crucial and vital to making sure positive change comes to fruition. Clarity is key and I am there to help through the time of initial changes.

*The pricing includes consulting time as well as outside preparation time.
  • Phase 1: no charge
  • Phase 2 and 3: $75/hr
  • Full day retreat (6-8hrs): $500
*If you have special financial requests just ask!